Know How to Use Vaginal
Moisturizers and Lubricants
For women and their sexual partners
Read this resource to learn:
What vaginal dryness is ....................................................... 2
The risks linked to vaginal dryness ....................................3
How vaginal moisturizers and lubricants can help ..........4
When to get medical help ....................................................15
Form: D-8528
About Vaginal Dryness
The vagina makes its own natural uid (lubrication, also known as “lube”).
The uid keeps the vagina elastic and healthy.
When women are sexually aroused, their vagina will produce extra uid. This
uid helps reduce friction. It makes putting anything into the vagina more
comfortable. This also helps make sex feel more pleasurable.
When the vagina does not produce enough uid, it causes vaginal dryness
What causes vaginal dryness?
The 3 main causes of vaginal dryness are:
1. Older age. Dryness in the vagina is common as women age. The dryness
also causes the vagina to be less elastic. Women may start to see
changes in their natural lubrication in their late 40s and early 50s.
Women produce less estrogen as they get older. Estrogen is a hormone
that plays an important role in keeping the vagina moist.
2. Lower amounts of estrogen in your body. This can be caused by
menopause (when a woman’s monthly menstrual period stops).
Menopause can happen naturally with age or can be caused by some
types of surgery, such as surgery to remove the ovaries.
3. Some types of cancer treatment. Cancer treatments that can cause
vaginal dryness include:
radiation to the pelvis or vagina
surgery to the vagina or reproductive organs
What will happen if my vagina is dry all the time?
Over time, dryness in the vagina can lead to:
pain (especially when you have sex)
higher chance of getting an infection in your vagina
higher chance of getting an infection in your urinary tract (this includes
your urethra, bladder, kidney)
It is important to keep your vagina moist, even if you are not having sex.
What can I do to prevent vaginal dryness?
There are 2 things you can do:
Ask your doctor if you can take estrogen. This will help reduce vaginal
dryness and other menopause symptoms. Estrogen is not a safe option
for women with some types of cancers.
Ask your doctor if you can take it. Doctors can prescribe estrogen as a
pill that you take orally (swallow) or as cream or a ring that goes inside
your vagina.
Use vaginal moisturizers and lubricants. They will help make your vagina
less dry and more comfortable. Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants will
also help increase your pleasure during sex. You can buy these without a
prescription. They are a safe and useful choice for most women.
Talk to your health care team if you have any questions or concerns.
Types of Vaginal Moisturizers and Lubricants
Vaginal moisturizers are long-lasting. They keep your vagina moist all day.
Vaginal lubricants last a short time. They are often used to give added
moisture to your vagina just before sex or pleasuring.
Use vaginal moisturizers and lubricants to help you:
prevent dryness
increase pleasure during sex
You can use moisturizers and lubricants together, or just use 1.
Read the sections below to learn about each type.
Always follow the instructions that come with the product.
Vaginal moisturizers
What is a vaginal moisturizer?
Vaginal moisturizers keep your vagina moist all day. They work much like the
way normal body lotion does.
You may use normal body lotion to keep your skin smooth and moist all day.
In the same way, you can use vaginal moisturizers to keep the inside of your
vagina moist all day.
Unlike vaginal lubricants, vaginal moisturizers are not meant to be used just
before sex.
How do I use a vaginal moisturizer?
Use a vaginal moisturizer 2 to 3 times a week, even if you are not having sex.
This will help keep your vagina healthy and comfortable.
There are different types of vaginal moisturizers. Follow the instructions on
the package to make sure that you are using the moisturizer safely. You can
buy vaginal moisturizers at most pharmacies.
What are the different types of vaginal moisturizers?
There are 4 types of vaginal moisturizers:
Creams. Replens and Zestica Moisture are
examples of vaginal moisturizing creams.
You can insert the cream into your vagina
with an applicator 2 to 3 times per week.
Gels. Gels are used in the same way as
creams. They are usually a little bit lighter
in colour and texture.
Suppositories. Moisturizers also come in
vaginal suppositories. Suppositories are
like pills or capsules that you put inside
your vagina. Do not swallow vaginal
Natural oils. Some examples of natural oils are:
natural Vitamin E liquid capsules
natural coconut oil
natural almond oil
These natural oils can be applied with your ngers in and around your
vagina. You can also use them all over your body as a moisturizer or
massage oil.
You can buy natural oils at some pharmacies. They can also be found at
most health food stores.
Do not use any oils with condoms. Oils will break down the latex in many
condoms. A damaged condom will make it more likely for you to get
pregnant or an infection from your partner.
Do not use these products inside your vagina:
petroleum-based products (such as Vaseline)
hand or body lotions
massage oils not designed for use inside the body
These can change the pH (acidity) in your vagina and can increase your
chance of getting an infection.
Vaginal lubricants
Vaginal lubricants help add to your vagina’s natural moisture. A lubricant
makes it easier to insert things into the vagina. It will help increase comfort
and pleasure during sex.
Vaginal lubricants are also called:
personal lubricants
body glide
sexual lubricants
There are many different brands and types of vaginal lubricants. You can
buy these at your local pharmacy. You can also nd these in shops that sell
sex-related products.
There are 3 main types of lubricants:
water-based (see page 7)
oil-based (see page 8)
silicone-based (see page 10)
Read the section below to learn about each type.
You can also nd a summary table on page 12.
Vaginal lubricants will not prevent pregnancy
or sexually transmitted infections (STI).
What is water-based lubricant?
Water-based lubricants are the most common type of sexual lubricant. They
can also be used to make it easier to insert dilators or tampons into your
vagina. These are also the easiest kind of lubricant to nd in a store. They
are safe to use for most sex-related activities.
Water-based lubricants are the best option to use with:
diaphragms (a cup-shaped device inserted into the vagina to prevent
rubber dams (a small thin rubber or latex sheet used as a barrier to help
prevent sexually transmitted infections)
other barrier ways of preventing pregnancy and infection
Water-based lubricants come in liquids, gels, and lotion styles. They can
safely be used with vibrators and other sex toys.
If you get yeast infections often, use a lubricant that is glycerine-free.
Glycerine breaks down to a sugar in the vagina. The sugar feeds the yeast
in your body and may cause more to grow.
If you have sensitive skin, use water-based lubricant:
with more organic or natural ingredients
free of parabens (added chemicals), perfumes, avours and colours
Water-based lubricants can dry up fast and become sticky. For this reason,
it is not a very good choice for a body massage. If water-based lubricants
dry up, you can add a little water or saliva to make it slippery again.
What are some product examples of water-based
You can nd a very wide selection of brands of water-based lubricants.
A few examples are:
K-Y Brand
Liquid Silk
What is oil-based lubricant?
Oil stays moist and slippery for a long time because it does not absorb easily
into your skin.
Oil-based lubricants are great for full-body and intimate massage (including
breasts and genitals). They are also useful to use for manual stimulation
(sexual stroking using the hand and ngers) of the penis and clitoris. Manual
stimulation with a lubricant often feels very good for both men and women.
Do not use oil-based lubricant:
With latex condoms. It will damage the latex. This will make it more
likely for you to get pregnant or get an infection.
With sex toys. The oil will damage the toy.
Inside your vagina. Many oil-based products are very hard to wash off
or to ush out of your body. Synthetic (non-natural) oils can stay in your
vagina for days.
This can change the pH (acid) level in your vagina, making it easier for germs
to grow. It can lead to infections in your vagina and urinary tract. One
example of synthetic oil is petroleum jelly (Vaseline).
Natural oils (e.g. natural coconut or almond oils) are often safe to use inside
your vagina as they are easier for the body to clear, but they should not be
used with latex condoms or sex toys.
What are some product examples of oil-based lubricant?
Some examples of oil-based lubricants are:
natural Vitamin E liquid capsules
natural coconut oil
natural almond oil
As mentioned above, natural oils can be used inside your vagina since they
are easier for the body to clear. They can be found at some pharmacies and
grocery stores, and most health food stores.
Vitamin E oils are often sold in capsules. They can be found in the vitamin
section of most pharmacies. You can poke a small hole in the Vitamin E
capsule to get the oil on your ngers.
Specialty sexuality shops will carry many kinds of oil-based lubricants.
What is silicone-based lubricant?
Silicone-based lubricant is the newest option of sexual lubricant. It stays
slippery much longer than water-based lubricant. This is because unlike
water, silicone does not:
dry up in the air
absorb into the skin
absorb into the blood stream
It stays on the surface of your body and inside your vagina, making it last
Silicone-based lubricant can be used during sexual pleasuring (including
penetrative sex) and for massage. It can be applied to any part on the body
that you want to caress or massage.
Silicone-based lubricant is a good option for women who:
Have sensitive skin. Silicone is hypoallergenic (will not cause allergies).
Often get yeast infections. Silicone will not change the pH (acid) level
in the vagina. This keeps the yeast in control.
Often get urinary tract infections. Silicone will not change the pH level
in the urinary tract (urethra, bladder, kidney), so it does not increase
your chance of getting a urinary tract infection.
Your body clears out silicone-based lubricant inside the vagina by itself.
To get rid of the slippery feeling on the outside of your body after use,
wash off any extra lubricant with soap and water.
Silicone-based lubricant is safe to use with:
diaphragms (a cup-shaped device inserted into the vagina to prevent
rubber dams (a small thin rubber or latex sheet used as a barrier to help
prevent sexually transmitted infections)
other barrier ways of preventing pregnancy and infection
Do not use silicone-based lubricant with other products that are
made of silicone, such as:
sex toys
Over time, these products can become damaged by the silicone in the
Silicone-based lubricants tend to cost more money than water-based
lubricants. But compared to the water-base lubricants, you will need to use
less because of this the same size bottle will last longer.
What are some product examples of silicone-based
Silicone-based lubricants are newer so there are fewer products to choose
from. You can nd more choices in stores that mainly sell sex-related
products. Some examples of silicone-based lubricants include:
Wet Platinum
List of lubricant options
Type Features Product examples
Water-based Safe to use inside the body
Safe for use with condoms
and sex toys
Many choices and easy to nd
Can become sticky
, O’My
K-Y Brand
, Liquid Silk
Oil-based Longer lasting slippery feel,
Great for full-body and sexual
Do not use synthetic (non-
natural) oils inside the vagina
Do not use natural or
synthetic oil with latex
condoms and sex toys
Oil-based, Vitamin
E oil, natural coconut oil,
natural almond oil
Silicone-based Safe to use inside the body
Safe for use with condoms
Will not dry up or get sticky
Needs soap and water to
wash off outside of body
Do not use with silicone sex
toys or dilators
, Pink
, Wet
How do I use a sexual lubricant?
For use outside your vagina (on your body), apply the lubricant the same
way that you would apply a body lotion or massage oil:
1. Start by pouring a small amount into your hand. For water-based
lubricants, pour about the size of a quarter. For oil and silicone-based
lubricants, pour about the size of a nickel or dime.
2. Spread over the areas being pleasured (touched).
3. You can add more lubricant over time. You will likely need more if you
are using a water-based lubricant. Water-based lubricants tend to dry up
faster than the oils and silicone-based lubricants.
For use inside your vagina, use your ngers and hands to apply lubricant to:
Whatever is being
inserted into your
vagina (such a
nger, penis, sex
toy, dilator)
The inner lips of
your vagina
The outer lips of
your vagina
Your clitoris
This will help make inserting something into the vagina more comfortable. It
will also help you feel more aroused during sex and other sexual activities.
For manual stimulation (masturbation) on a man, use your ngers and
hands to apply lubricant to the shaft of his penis and his testicles.
The lubricant allows the hand to glide more easily and quickly over the area.
Stroking with lubricant can be highly arousing for many men.
When to Get Medical Help
Call your family doctor if:
You notice any new or worrying:
discharge (uid) coming out of your vagina
The pain or dryness in your vagina does not get better or gets worse.
You have questions about when you can start having sex again after
surgery or other treatment.
You want to know whether it is safe for you to use hormonal treatment
with vaginal moisturizers and lubricants.
Important: This is not a full list of brands or products. The University
Health Network does not recommend one brand over another and is not
responsible for any products listed. Please contact each company directly to
nd out more about their products.
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Use this material for your information only. It does not replace advice from your doctor or other health care professional.
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Form: D-5907 | Author: Kelli Young (MEd, BScOT, OTReg(Ont), Lianne McCabe (MScPT) | Reviewed: 2019