Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Vol. 29, No. 4, December 2004 (
DOI: 10.1007/s10484-004-0383-4
The Effectiveness of Neurofeedback and Stimulant
Drugs in Treating AD/HD: Part II. Replication
Thomas Rossiter
This study replicated T. R. Rossiter and T. J. La Vaque (1995) with a larger sample, ex-
panded age range, and improved statistical analysis. Thirty-one AD/HD patients who chose
stimulant drug (MED) treatment were matched with 31 patients who chose a neurofeed-
back (EEG) treatment program. EEG patients received either office (n = 14) or home (n =
17) neurofeedback. Stimulants for MED patients were titrated using the Test of Variables
of Attention (TOVA). EEG (effect size [ES] = 1.01–1.71) and MED (ES = 0.80–1.80)
groups showed statistically and clinically significant improvement on TOVA measures of
attention, impulse control, processing speed, and variability in attention. The EEG group
demonstrated statistically and clinically significant improvement on behavioral measures
(Behavior Assessment System for Children, ES = 1.16–1.78, and Brown Attention Deficit
Disorder Scales, ES = 1.59). TOVA gain scores for the EEG and MED groups were not
significantly different. More importantly, confidence interval and nonequivalence null hy-
pothesis testing confirmed that the neurofeedback program produced patient outcomes
equivalent to those obtained with stimulant drugs. An effectiveness research design places
some limitations on the conclusions that can be drawn.
KEY WORDS: neurofeedback; EEG biofeedback; AD/HD; stimulant drugs; active treatment control.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) is a behavioral disorder defined by
inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that none
of the core symptoms are exclusive to AD/HD and the majority of AD/HD patients suffer
from at least one additional psychiatric disorder. AD/HD was originally thought to be limited
to children and adolescents. However it is now recognized that in the majority of cases,
AD/HD persists into the adult years. Stimulant drugs have been the treatment of choice
for AD/HD for more than three decades. The use of neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback)
to treat AD/HD dates from the 1970s (Lubar & Shouse, 1976). Nevertheless, it was not
until the 1990s that neurofeedback became widely available as an alternative to stimulant
drugs. To date, acceptance by the scientific community has been hindered by the paucity
of well-designed outcome studies.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of neurofeedback to that
of stimulant medication in persons suffering from AD/HD. It was designed to replicate
1775 Highview Street, De Pere, Wisconsin 54115; e-mail: [email protected].
2004 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
234 Rossiter
Rossiter and La Vaque (1995) with a larger sample, an expanded age range including
adults, more comprehensive collection of behavioral data for the neurofeedback group, and
improved statistical analysis.
Rossiter and La Vaque (1995) as well as Monastra, Monastra, and George (2002) and
Fuchs, Birbaumer, Lutzenberger, Gruzelier, and Kaiser (2003) previously reported positive
effects of neurofeedback in treating AD/HD. This set of studies is unique in that they used
an effectiveness research model (Kazdin, 2003) with nonrandom assignment of patients and
an active treatment control. That is, patients chose their treatment(s) and the effectiveness of
neurofeedback was evaluated by comparing it to stimulant drug therapy, a proven treatment
for AD/HD. Rossiter (2004) reviews recent criticisms of neurofeedback outcome research
and the relevant research design issues.
It was predicted that the neurofeedback (EEG) and stimulant medication (MED)
groups will demonstrate statistically and clinically significant improvement on the Test Of
Variables of Attention (TOVA; Leark, Dupuy, Greenberg, Corman, & Kindschi, 1996); the
EEG group will show statistically and clinically significant improvement on the Behavior
Assessment System for Children (BASC; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1992) and the Brown
Attention Deficit Disorder Scales (Brown, 1996); the null hypothesis of no statistically
significant differences between the EEG and MED groups on TOVA gain scores will not
be rejected; the proportion of EEG patients that demonstrate significant improvement will
be equivalent, or noninferior, to that of the MED group (Rossiter, 2004).
Participants were 62 patients seen by the author on a fee for service basis in his
outpatient practice in Green Bay, WI. They were White, predominantly middle class indi-
viduals whose health care needs were paid for by private health insurance and/or by the
patient or parents in the case of minors. The patients were evaluated by the author and re-
ceived a primary DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnosis of Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type or Predominantly Inattentive Type (Table I).
Patients with secondary psychiatric diagnoses were included.
Two groups of 31 patients each were formed. The first group was drawn from 33 con-
secutive patients treated by the author with neurofeedback (EEG). Patients currently treated
with stimulant medications were included in the EEG sample. Two patients treated with
antidepressant and/or antihypertensive medication were excluded. EEG patients received
no collateral treatment except for the six patients being treated with stimulant drugs con-
current with neurofeedback training. Eight patients had been treated with stimulant drugs
in the past but terminated drug therapy 6 months or more before starting neurofeedback.
In three cases, the decision to terminate stimulants was related to ineffectiveness of the
medication and/or unacceptable side effects.
The second group consisted of patients who chose treatment with stimulants (methyl-
or dextroamphetamine). The medication group (MED) was drawn from a pool of 64 patients
whose stimulant medications had been titrated using the TOVA. They were matched with the
EEG group first by age and then, to the extent possible, by the sum of the four baseline TOVA
scores, IQ, gender, and primary AD/HD diagnosis in that order. Maturational changes in the
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback and Stimulant Drugs in Treating AD/HD 235
Table I. EEG and MED Group Demographic Variables
Mean (SD) 16.6 (12.7) 16.7 (12.5)
Range 7–55 7–52
Male 21 22
Female 10 9
Mean (SD) 107.5 (14.1) 104.6 (10.8)
Range 80–139 89–130
Primary diagnosis
ADHD combined 16 20
ADHD inattentive 15 11
Secondary diagnosis 17 14
Note. n = 31 for EEG and MED groups.
TOVA pattern for AD/HD dictated that EEG and MED patients be matched by age. Because
of the relatively small and heterogeneous patient groups, it was not possible to match EEG
and MED patients on each of the four TOVA outcome variables. As an alternative, same
age EEG and MED patients were matched on the sum of the standard scores of the four
TOVA measures. Matched EEG–MED pairs were comparable on the overall extent of their
deficits even though the specific pattern of deficits might differ.
The options of neurofeedback and/or stimulant medication were discussed with all
patients. The patient and/or their parents chose the treatment. Among the neurofeedback
patients, unwillingness to take medication was the overriding reason cited for seeking an
alternative treatment. Patients choosing stimulant drug therapy seldom offered a reason
for their choices. However, low out-of-pocket cost, proven effectiveness, and convenience
appear to have been factors.
Intelligence estimates were obtained using the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (Kauf-
man & Kaufman, 1990) or Wechsler Scale. Intelligence estimates were used to interpret
TOVA results but were not dependent variables.
Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) scores (errors of omission, errors of commission,
response time, variability of response time) were the dependent variables used to compare
EEG and MED outcomes. The TOVA is a continuous performance test (CPT) that is
computer administered and scored. This reduces the likelihood of human bias with respect
to administration and scoring. The TOVA avoids some of the potential difficulties inherent in
relying on subjective parent, teacher, and patient reports as the primary basis for diagnosing
AD/HD and assessing treatment effects. Riccio, Reynolds, and Lowe (2001) reviewed the
research literature on CPTs including the TOVA. They concluded that CPTs (1) have high
levels of sensitivity and specificity when differentiating AD/HD from normal individuals;
(2) objectively evaluate symptoms associated with disorders of self-regulation, particularly
impulsivity and attention problems; (3) are sensitive to the effect of stimulants on attention,
processing speed, and executive control; and (4) have moderate to high ecological validity.
236 Rossiter
The Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) assesses a range of child
psychopathology in individuals from 4 to 18 years of age. The Hyperactivity, Attention
Problems, Externalizing Problems, and Internalizing Problems Scales and the Behavior
Symptoms Index were dependent variables for EEG group outcome. Only Parent scales
completed by mothers were included in the study. Pre- and posttreatment BASCs completed
by fathers, patients, and teachers were not available in sufficient numbers to be included in
the analysis.
The Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) Scales are symptom checklists with
versions for adolescents (13–18 years) and adults (19 years and above). Five Cluster scores
evaluate the ability to organize and activate for work, sustain attention and concentration,
sustain energy and effort, manage affective interference, and utilize working memory. The
Total score (sum of the Cluster scores) was a dependent variable for EEG group outcome.
It indicates that a diagnosis of an attention-deficit disorder is “possible but not likely,
“probable but not certain, or “highly probable.
EEG Group Evaluation
The EEG group baseline evaluation included the TOVA, intelligence testing if current
IQ data were not available, the BASC (7–18 years old), and/or the Brown ADD Scales
(13 years and older). TOVA testing was completed between 8 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. with
the author in the room. Retesting was scheduled at the same time (±30 min) as the
Medications for the six EEG patients treated with stimulants were discontinued 2 days
before the baseline and posttreatment evaluations. The 2-day washout period is sufficient
to produce TOVA results not contaminated by medication effects. Methylphenidate and
dextroamphetamine are completely metabolized within 12–24 hr (DuPaul, Barkley, &
Connor, 1998) and produce behavioral effects for 12 hr or less (Barkley, 1990).
After baseline testing, medication was reinstated for the six EEG patients. Four of
the six made sufficient improvement that they terminated stimulants midway through treat-
ment. At posttreatment evaluations, these patients were medication-free for a minimum of
6 weeks.
Posttreatment reevaluations were carried out after 40 neurofeedback sessions for office
patients and 3 months (60 + sessions) for home patients. Reevaluations included the TOVA,
BASC, and/or the Brown ADD Scales.
MED Group Evaluation
The MED group baseline evaluation included the TOVA and intelligence testing if
current IQ data were not available. Medication titration was usually scheduled 3 days
(range 3–7) after the patient started medication. Patients were tested with the TOVA on as
many as four doses of a stimulant. If the TOVA did not improve, the titration process was
repeated with a different stimulant. MED patients were maintained on the medication and
dose that maximized improvement on the TOVA. No additional evaluations were scheduled
with MED patients.
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback and Stimulant Drugs in Treating AD/HD 237
Office neurofeedback was provided by a Lexicor Neurosearch-1620 and home neuro-
feedback by Lexicor PODs (Lexicor Medical Technology, Boulder, CO). A sampling rate
of 128 Hz with 2-s epochs was used. Twelfth order digital filters defined the steepness
of the bands. Biolex version 2.38 software (NRS-1620) or Mental Conditioning software
version 2.38 (POD) provided neurofeedback. The active electrode was at C3 or C4 (10–20
International System). The reference was on the earlobe ipsilateral to the active electrode
with the ground on the contralateral earlobe. The patient’s skin was prepared using Nuprep.
Electrodes were filled with Ten20 electrode paste. Skin impedance was less than 10 K!.
Office patients (n = 14) were typically seen three times a week (range 3–5) for
40 treatment sessions over 3 1/2 months. Home patients (n = 17) received 60+ training
sessions over 3 months (Rossiter, 1998). This included four office sessions used to teach the
patient and/or parents to use the computerized biofeedback equipment and to understand the
information provided. Two to four additional office neurofeedback sessions were scheduled
during the 3-month home program. Supervision was provided through e-mail and telephone
Patients presenting with inattention, daydreaming, poor sustained attention, and/or lack
of motivation received left hemisphere training with the active electrode at C3 (International
10–20 System) using enhance 15–18 Hz protocols. The C3 default inhibit band was initially
4–7 Hz and later 2–7 Hz. When the baseline EEG showed excessive alpha (8–11 Hz),
an 8–11 Hz or 2–10 Hz inhibit band was used. Patients with symptoms of impulsivity,
distractibility, and/or stimulus-seeking received right hemisphere training with the active
electrode at C4 using enhance 12–15 Hz protocols. The C4 default inhibit band was
initially 4–7 Hz and later changed to 2–7 Hz. The neurofeedback software was programmed
to control eye movement and EMG artifact. Inattentive type AD/HD patients (n = 15)
received left hemisphere (C3) training. Combined type AD/HD patients (n = 16) started
each session with left hemisphere (C3) training and finished with right hemisphere (C4)
EEG treatment sessions included 30 or 36 min of neurofeedback. Training was con-
ducted eyes open. No cognitive challenges (e.g., reading, drawing, listening, etc.) were
used. The patient received simultaneous visual and auditory feedback based on the ratio of
the inhibit band to the enhance band. Rossiter (2002) provides details of the neurofeedback
Statistical Analysis
Group comparisons (EEG vs. MED) and treatment effects (pre- vs. posttreatment)
were evaluated using one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Significant
effects were followed by planned comparisons of TOVA, BASC, and Brown ADD Scale
scores changes using one-tailed t tests for dependent measures. One-tailed tests were
used because the direction of change was predicted on the basis of the results of earlier
studies (Fuchs et al., 2003; Monastra et al., 2002; Rossiter & La Vaque, 1995). MANOVAs
and t tests were conducted using ProStat Version 3 software (Poly Software International,
2002). Effect sizes were calculated for repeated measures (Kazdin, 2003, p. 446). The Holm
adjustment (Stevens, 1999) for multiple tests was used to maintain the experiment-wise
α = .05.
238 Rossiter
Equivalence/noninferiority testing (Rossiter, 2004) was used to determine whether the
proportion of EEG patients improved was equivalent, or noninferior, to that of the MED
group. The high proportion of MED patients improving (84%) precluded superiority testing.
Proportions were compared because the sample was too small (n = 31) and heterogeneous
to make equivalence/noninferiority testing based on TOVA mean scores feasible. More
importantly, the proportion of patients significantly improved is a more meaningful measure
of clinical outcome
Baseline EEG and MED Matching
EEG and MED groups were matched by age, the sum of the four baseline TOVA scores,
IQ, gender, and primary AD/HD diagnosis in that order. Inspection of the demographic
variables for the two groups (Table I) indicates that matching was successful except perhaps
for the distribution of the AD/HD diagnostic categories. Matching of patients on the
sum of the four TOVA scores (Table II) produced groups that were virtually identical
on this measure. This procedure also resulted in comparable group means for the four
TOVA scores. A one-way MANOVA demonstrated no statistically significant differences
at baseline between EEG and MED groups on the TOVA (Wilks’ Criterion = 0.94; df = 4,
57; F = 0.92; p = .45). In general, the EEG and MED groups were successfully matched
on demographic variables and AD/HD related cognitive deficits (TOVA scores).
It was predicted that EEG and MED groups would improve significantly on TOVA
outcome scores (Table II). A one-way MANOVA of EEG group TOVA scores demonstrated
statistically significant improvement (Wilks’ Criterion = 0.54; df = 4, 57; F = 12.13;
p < .001). Planned comparisons of pre- and posttreatment TOVA scores using one-tailed
t tests for dependent measures confirmed that the EEG group demonstrated improved
attention (t = 4.29, df = 30, p < .001), reduced impulsivity (t = 4.39, df = 30, p < .001),
increased processing speed (t = 3.99, df = 30, p < .001), and decreased variability in
attention (t = 4.62, df = 30, p < .001).
Table II. TOVA Means, Standard Deviations, and Effect Sizes for EEG and MED Groups
variables Pre Post Change ES Pre Post Change ES
Omission 85.3 (25.2) 103.7 (6.7) 18.4 (23.9) 1.09 87.7 (21.8) 102.8 (12.8) 15.1 (26.6) 0.80
Commission 97.9 (15.2) 109.1 (10.2) 11.2 (14.2) 1.12 94.1 (19.5) 104.4 (15.6) 10.3 (15.7) 0.93
Response time 87.8 (21.9) 101.6 (20.0) 13.8 (19.3) 1.01 85.4 (18.1) 94.9 (16.8) 9.6 (11.4) 1.19
Variability 83.6 (22.4) 103.5 (14.2) 22.4 (24.1) 1.17 86.4 (19.5) 106.1 (17.5) 19.7 (15.3) 1.82
Total 354.5 (50.3) 418.0 (32.5) 63.4 (52.6) 1.71 353.5 (54.2) 408.3 (40.1) 54.7 (43.0) 1.80
Note. TOVA scores with M = 100, SD = 15, n = 31 for EEG and MED groups.
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback and Stimulant Drugs in Treating AD/HD 239
A one-way MANOVA demonstrated statistically significant improvement for the MED
group on the TOVA (Wilks’ Criterion = 0.74; df = 4, 57; F = 5.12; p = .001). The
MED group showed gains in attention (t = 3.17, df = 30, p = .002), impulse control (t =
3.67, df = 30, p < .001), processing speed (t = 4.67, df = 30, p < .001), and decreased
variability in attention (t = 7.17, df = 30, p < .001).
It was predicted that differences between the EEG and MED groups on TOVA gain
scores would not be statistically significant. A one-way MANOVA (Wilks’ Criterion = 0.95
df = 4, 57, F = 0.76, p = .55) indicated that the null hypothesis could not be rejected.
Power was .80 (Kazdin, 2003).
Posttreatment mean TOVA scores were within the average range (standard score =
90–109) for both the EEG and MED groups. Prior to treatment, only the impulsivity
(errors of commission) scores for both the EEG and MED groups were within the average
EEG BASC and Brown ADD Scales
It was predicted that the EEG group would demonstrate significant improvement on
BASC and Brown ADD Scale scores (Table III). Posttreatment BASC data were available
for 23 of 25 patients. A one-way MANOVA demonstrated statistically significant improve-
ment on the BASC (Wilks’ Criterion = 0.54; df = 4, 50; F = 6.90; p < .001). Planned
comparisons confirmed significant improvement on the Hyperactivity (t = 4.57, df = 22,
p < .001), Attention Problems (t = 7.00, df = 22, p < .001), Externalizing Problems
(t = 4.53, df = 22, p < .001), and Internalizing Problems (t = 6.56, df = 22, p < .001)
Scales, and Behavioral Symptoms Index (t = 6.90, df = 22, p < .001). Posttreatment
group means for the scales were within normal limits. Prior to treatment, only the Internal-
izing Problems Scale was within the Average range.
Pre- and posttreatment Brown ADD Scale scores were available for all EEG patients
ages 13 and older (Table III). As predicted, EEG patients experienced significant improve-
ment on the Total score (t = 6.42, df = 10, p < .001) with the group means moving from
the diagnosis of AD/HD “highly probable” range prior to treatment to the “possible but not
likely” range following treatment.
Table III. BASC and Brown ADD Scale Means, Standard Deviations, and Effects Sizes for EEG
Pretreatment Posttreatment Change Effect size
Hyperactivity 64.8 (19.1) 51.8 (12.9) 13.0 (13.6) 1.16
Attention problems 70.9 (8.3) 57.6 (9.0) 13.3 (9.1) 1.78
Externalizing problems 61.6 (13.9) 52.1 (9.5) 9.5 (10.0) 1.15
Internalizing problems 58.8 (10.1) 47.0 (4.9) 11.8 (8.6) 1.67
Behavior Symptoms Index 66.1 (11.3) 51.4 (8.4) 14.7 (10.2) 1.75
Brown ADD Scales
Total score 68.8 (14.2) 40.1 (13.5) 28.7 (14.8) 1.59
Note. BASC scores are t scores with M = 50, SD = 10, n = 23. Brown ADD Scale scores are t
scores with M = 50, SD = 10, n = 11.
240 Rossiter
Equivalence Testing
It was predicted that the proportion of EEG patients demonstrating significant im-
provement on the TOVA would be equivalent, or noninferior, to the proportion of signifi-
cantly improved MED patients (Rossiter, 2004). A patient was significantly improved if the
number of TOVA scores improved (gain of >7.5 points) exceeded the number worsened
(loss of >7.5 points) and the sum of the four TOVA scores increased by a minimum of
15 points over the pretreatment baseline. Twenty-six of the thirty-one patients in the EEG
and MED groups improved significantly. Equivalence/noninferiority testing used both the
confidence interval approach (Westlake, 1981) and the nonequivalence null hypothesis
approach (Anderson & Hauck, 1983). The equivalence interval chosen was the de facto
standard of 20% (Schuirmann, 1987) of the proportion of patients in the MED group who
improved (84%). The confidence interval approach yielded a CI
(0.154 to 0.154) that
was contained within the Equivalence Interval (±0.168). The nonequivalence null hypoth-
esis approach yielded both z
(1.796) and z
(1.796) greater than z
(1.645). Both
methods confirm the hypothesis that outcomes for the EEG group were equivalent to those
for the MED group. Using the Holm procedure (Stevens, 1999), planned comparisons
for which significant differences were predicted met the adjusted alpha levels with the
experiment-wise α = .05.
The results of the current study confirm the hypotheses being tested. The EEG and
MED groups demonstrated statistically significant improvement on TOVA scores. However,
the fact that a treatment results in statistically significant improvement does not necessarily
mean that the treatment effect is clinically significant or important. There is no consen-
sus regarding what standards should be used to define clinical significance. Alternatives
suggested include a high percentage of patients improving, elimination of the presenting
problem, normal functioning by the end of treatment, a degree of change that is recogniz-
able by significant others in the patient’s life (Jacobson & Truax, 1991) and large effect
sizes (Stevens, 2002).
Gains made by the EEG and MED groups on the TOVA were clinically significant. This
conclusion is based on the percentage of patients showing significant improvement over
baseline (84% each); large effect sizes for both treatments (EEG = 1.01–1.71; MED = 0.80–
1.82); percentage of individual TOVA scores showing significant improvement (EEG =
55%, MED = 56%); and posttreatment mean scores for MED and EEG groups that fall
within the average range.
The EEG group demonstrated statistically significant improvement on BASC and
Brown ADD Scale scores. In addition, gains made by the EEG group on measures of
behavioral change were clinically significant. This conclusion is based on the large effect
sizes of the EEG group on the BASC (1.15–1.75) and Brown ADD Scales (1.59); and
posttreatment BASC and Brown ADD Scale mean scores that fall within the average
Differences between TOVA gain scores for the EEG and MED groups were not
statistically significant. More importantly, the proportion of EEG patients that significantly
improved was equivalent to that of the MED group.
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback and Stimulant Drugs in Treating AD/HD 241
Data from Rossiter and La Vaque (1995) were reanalyzed using the Holm procedure
(Stevens, 1999) to control the experiment-wise alpha level for multiple comparisons. All
planned comparisons for which significant differences were predicted met their adjusted
alpha levels for significance with the experiment-wise α = .05. Equivalence/noninferiority
testing indicated that the proportion of the EEG group patients significantly improved was
noninferior, but not equivalent (Rossiter, 2004), to that of the MED group.
The results of the current study and the statistical reanalysis of data from Rossiter
and La Vaque (1995) support the view that a treatment program with neurofeedback as the
primary component produces patient outcomes that are equivalent to, or noninferior to, those
obtained with stimulant drugs. The improvement demonstrated by the EEG patients was
not limited to reduction of the core AD/HD symptoms, that is, inattention, impulsivity, and
hyperactivity. They also manifested significant decreases in internalizing and externalizing
symptoms and psychopathology more generally. Posttreatment mean scores for the EEG
group on the TOVA, BASC, and Brown ADD Scales were within normal limits.
It should be noted that when six patients treated with stimulants were removed from
the EEG group, the TOVA gains were unchanged and did not differ from those of the MED
group. In addition, patients who received home and office neurofeedback made comparable
posttreatment gains on the TOVA.
The conclusions that can be drawn from the study are limited somewhat by the choice of
an effectiveness research design. Effectiveness research is typically conducted in a clinical
setting and utilizes patients seeking treatment and expecting improvement. Their presenting
problems may include multiple diagnostic categories. Because the research is conducted in a
clinical setting, some compromises in research methodology and experimental controls have
to be made for practical and ethical reasons. Treatment may be tailored to meet the needs of
the individual patient. The result is that not all patients receive exactly the same treatment.
Furthermore, it is the patient, not the clinician, who is ultimately responsible for choosing
the treatment. In essence, an effectiveness study can evaluate a treatment as it is actually
provided in clinical practice. Effectiveness studies place greater emphasis on external
validity than do efficacy studies for which internal validity is of paramount importance.
Therefore, effectiveness research has the potential for broad applicability to the real world
spectrum of patients as they present for treatment in clinics and hospitals (Clarke, 1995).
Because of the less stringent experimental controls, an effectiveness study can demonstrate
that a treatment program is clinically effective, but it may not be possible to establish to
what extent various elements (e.g., the treatment under study, patient expectations, therapist
characteristics, placebo, etc.) contribute to the positive outcomes.
This study allowed patients to choose between treatments (stimulant drug therapy
and/or office or home neurofeedback), used heterogeneous patient groups with co-morbid
disorders, and tailored individual neurofeedback protocols based on presenting symptoms
and baseline EEG patterns. These deviations from strict experimental controls would be
serious flaws in an efficacy study but are acceptable variations in an effectiveness study.
However, they do preclude attributing the improvement in the EEG group solely to neuro-
feedback. The influence of nonspecific factors cannot be ruled out. This is not problematic
if the goal is to assess the “real world” effectiveness of a treatment program with neurofeed-
back as the primary component. It is significant that Fuchs et al. (2003) and Monastra et al.
(2002) independently obtained similar results with different clinicians, settings, patient
populations, and treatment protocols.
242 Rossiter
The most significant design weakness in the study is that different testing schedules
were used for the EEG and MED groups. Ideally, both the MED and EEG patients would
have been reevaluated after 3 to 3 1/2 months of their respective treatments. However,
testing schedules were based on different clinical needs of the two groups. The MED group
was retested with the TOVA to determine the most effective dose of methylphenidate or
dextroamphetimine. Medication titration was completed in 3–10 days after instituting stim-
ulant drug therapy. Once the maintenance dose was established, no additional evaluations
were scheduled. Reevaluation 3 months later was not clinically necessary or feasible. Ad-
justments in maintenance medication levels are seldom needed in less than 6–12 months
barring significant change in the patient’s weight, health, or behavior. Methylphenidate
and dextroamphetimine are immediately effective and do not demonstrate incremental
behavioral improvement or tolerance over time (DuPaul et al., 1998). AD/HD does not
wax and wane and there is no evidence that it can be “outgrown” in 3 months. The time
disparity between reevaluations of the MED and EEG groups, although not desirable,
does not invalidate comparison of the EEG and MED TOVA scores. If anything, it may
overstate the effectiveness of the stimulants. Compliance with taking stimulants is typ-
ically poor (DuPaul et al., 1998). Firestone (1982) found that 20% of AD/HD patients
terminated stimulant drugs within 4 months. Furthermore, effectiveness beyond 4 weeks
of treatment has not been demonstrated (Schachter, Pham, King, Langford, & Moher,
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical maual of mental disorders (4th ed.).
Washington, DC: Author.
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Barkley, R. A. (1990). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment. New York:
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DuPaul, G. J., Barkley, R. A., & Connor, D. E. (1998). Stimulants. In R. A. Barkley (Ed.), Attention-deficit
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Firestone, P. (1982). Factors associated with children’s adherence to stimulant medication. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 52(3), 447–457.
Fuchs, T., Birbaumer, N., Lutzenberger, W., Gruzelier, J. H., & Kaiser, J. (2003). Neurofeedback treatment for
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