“MCE is a reliable and highly
demanded assessment of
teachers ICT competency that
allows institutions in charge of
teacher retraining programs to
evaluate achieved results and
optimize nancing.
Svetlana Avdeeva
National Training Foundation
“Microsoft Certied Educator
provides teachers with a
globally recognized certication
which is focused on the practical
integration of ICT into teaching
and learning. As a teacher
education provider, we are able
to offer teachers the opportunity
to get recognition for their use of
ICT in the classroom.
Rose Lawlor
Meath Vocational
Education Committee
Microsoft Certified Educator
Microsoft Certied Educator (MCE) is a professional development program that
bridges the gap between technology skills and innovative teaching. This new
credential provides robust tools that help educators drive best-in-class integration
of information and communication technology (ICT) into classroom instruction.
Mapped to the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Educators, MCE
program resources include a free self-assessment, free customized eLearning,
and the Technology Literacy for Educators (62-193) certication exam.
Technology Literacy for Educators (62-193)
The Technology Literacy for Educators exam is a competency-based certication
offering. Technology neutral, this exam validates instructor prociency in
assimilating ICT tools into the six content domains of the UNESCO ICT
Competency Framework for Educators. Passing the Technology Literacy for
Educators (62-193) exam also offers pre-service or in-service educators a
credential to differentiate themselves with current and future employers.
Key Benets
Educators holding an MCE certication can prove they have the tools needed
to provide rich, customized learning experiences for their students. Benets of
implementing an MCE professional development and certication program at
your institution include:
Reliable Validation of ICT Investments
Ensure Faculty/Staff Are Adept Using New Technology
Couple Understanding ICT Concepts w/ Pedagogy
Effective Professional Development
Next Step Following ICT Skills Training
ICT Integration Best Practices from Global Standard
Cost Effective Training and Certication
Free Evaluation and eLearning
Close The Educational Technology
Skills Gap
Measuring Effectiveness
An effective and proven assessment, learning, and certication program, MCE
measures and develops skills within six core content areas as dened in the UNES-
CO ICT Competency Framework for Educators:
Education Policy
Curriculum & Assessment
ICT/Technology Tools
Organization & Administration
Professional Development
Preparing for Certication is Free
Microsoft provides educators with the tools needed to prepare for the MCE exam.
This includes a free self-assessment to identify learning gaps, and free eLearning
content to ll those gaps. The training includes a wide range of learning activities
and tutorials to help extend learning and encourage educators to apply their new
knowledge in the classroom with their students.
Get started
Integrating the MCE learning resources and certication exam into teacher training
programs or professional development will help instructors gain condence to
leverage new technologies to maximize student learning outcomes. Exams can be
administered and proctored conveniently by educators on campus with existing
computers and at a time that meets their scheduling needs.
To purchase an MCE campus license or to learn more about how to access
learning resources for professional development, please contact a Certiport
account manager (In the U.S.), a Certiport partner (Outside the U.S.) or visit us at
Take advantage of the resources available to educators:
Free Self-assessment, eLearning and Curriculum:
Certification Exam:
For More Info:
Call Us: