International Civil Aviation Organization
Frequency Management Ad-Hoc WG/2
(Virtual Meeting 7 June 2021 from 08:00 to 10:00 UTC)
1. I
1.1 Second meeting of the Frequency Management Working Group (FM WG/2) Virtual
Meeting was held on Monday 7 June 2021, using MS Team facility.
1.2 The meeting was attended by a total of 54 Participants from 11 States (Bahrain, Egypt,
Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, S. Arabia, UAE and Yemen) and 1 Organization (GCC). The
list of participants is at Attachment A.
2. A
2.1 The meeting adopted the following Agenda:
Agenda Item 1: Adoption of the Provisional Agenda
Agenda Item 2: Follow-up on MIDANPIRG/18 Conclusions and Decisions
relevant to the Frequency Management
Agenda Item 3: Spectrum capacity assessment for the frequency band 108
117.975 MHz
- Reducing Channel Spacing for ILS/VOR
- Review frequency Assignments in the MID Region
Agenda Item 4: Future Work Programme
Agenda Item 5: Any other Business
- Radio Altimeter Interference (presented by Saudi
3. O
3.1 Mrs. Muna Alnadaf (RO/CNS), welcomed all participants and thanked them for accepting
the invitation to join the meeting.
3.2 The RO/CNS delivered one PPT covering the topics of the Agenda.
4. D
AI 1: Adoption of the Provisional Agenda
4.1 The meeting reviewed and adopted the Agenda as at Para. 2 of this report.
AI2: Follow-up on MIDANPIRG/18 Conclusions and Decisions relevant to the Frequency
4.2 The meeting noted the status of the MIDANPIRG/18 Conclusions and Decisions relevant
to Frequency Management and the follow-up actions taken.
AI 3: Spectrum capacity assessment for the frequency band 108 117.975 MHz
Reducing Channel Spacing for ILS/VOR
4.3 The meeting recalled the result and conclusions of the study performed to assess spectrum
Availability for VHF NAV systems (ILS/DME and VOR/DME) operating in the frequency band 108
117.975 MHz. The meeting noted that the Study concluded that currently in the MID Region in the area
around the UAE as well as in the northern part of the MID Region the frequency band is heavily congested
or saturated for ILS/DME and VOR/DME frequency assignments.
4.4 The meeting discussed the problem of frequency saturation in detail and agreed that States
should update the NAV module with operating facilities in the MID Region;
4.5 The frequency congestion necessitates reducing the channel spacing of the VOR/ILS from
100KHz to 50 KHz/Y DME channel. Therefore, the secretary proposed implementing reduced channel
spacing (50 KHz) for VOR/ILS to increase the frequencies availability, and highlighted that the Aircraft
equipment must be configured to receive full navigation services.
4.6 The Secretary provided justifications on the reduced channel spacing implementation
feasibility in the MID Region:
The Annex 10 Volume I published in 1972 indicated possible 50 kHz channel spacing;
The relevant provisions have been exist long enough, so most probably aircraft if
produced in 1990s should have such capabilities.
The reduced space channels has been implemented in several ICAO Regions since
long time ( over 30 years).
Some MID States already implemented the reduced channel spacing without prior
coordination with ICAO.
4.7 The meeting requested more time (3 weeks) to assess the requirements and impact of the
reduced channel spacing and to inform IATA about the proposed amendment. The Secretary coordinated
with IATA IATA in this regard, IATA MENA stated that they did not expect any issue with operator’s
4.8 A follow-up call was conducted (21 June 2021) and the meeting stressed the need for
maximum economy in frequency demands and in radio spectrum utilization and agreed that the
geographical separation criteria based on assignments of 50 kHz-spaced frequencies to ILS localizer and
VOR, X and Y channels to DME be implemented in the MID Region. Accordingly, the meeting agreed to
the following Draft Conclusion:
That, the ICAO MID Office, process a proposal for amendment to the MID ANP Volume II,
CNS Specific Requirements to implement reduced channel spacing for Radio Navigation Aids
4.9 The meeting recalled that MIDANPIRG/18 meeting, through Conclusion 18/46, tasked
the Frequency Management Working Group with the development of a rolling frequency assignment plan,
in order to secure adequate spectrum for VHF-COM, ILS, VOR, DME and GBAS/VDB facilities and meet
the operational requirements up to 2030, the Frequency Management Ad-hoc Working Group (FM WG)
in coordination with concerned parties. The meeting agreed to postpone this action and to conduct another
study to assess the frequency congestion after implementation of the reduced channel spacing for VHF
navigation facilities.
Review frequency Assignments in the MID Region
4.10 The meeting recalled that FM WG/1 meeting agreed to update the NAV module with
operating facilities in the MID Region; the meeting noted the following in the NAV database:
a) incorrect coordinates
Some data in NAV module in MID have incorrect coordinates. those wrong data would
influence the accuracy of frequency assignment, and in some cases, appropriate
frequencies cannot be found due to those wrong data.
b) Designated Operational Coverage (DOC)
Some data includes designated operational coverage more than operationally required.
4.11 The meeting urged States to continue updating the ICAO Global database and agreed that
this action should be ideally conducted and completed during ACAO/ICAO Frequency Management
AI 4: Future Work Programme
4.11 The meeting noted that ACAO/ICAO Frequency Management Workshop is planned to be
conducted in October back to back with the FM WG/3.
AI 5: Any Other Business
4.12 Saudi Arabia addressed the issue of Protecting Radio Altimeter Operations Electro
magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Aspects related to G5. The meeting was apprised of latest information on
the deployment of 5G services and related safety concern that was subject of ICAO State Letter which
invited States to consider as a priority, public and aviation safety when deciding how to enable cellular
broadband/5G services in radio frequency bands near the bands used by radio altimeters.
4.13 The meeting noted that The band 4 200-4 400 MHz (4.2-4.4 GHz) is currently allocated
to the aeronautical radionavigation service (ARNS) and is reserved exclusively for radio altimeters
installed onboard aircraft and for the associated transponders on the ground by Radio Regulations footnote
No. 5.438.
4.14 The meeting recalled that Radio altimeters provide an essential informational component
of the automatic flight control system for approach and landing, ground proximity warning system, terrain
awareness and warning system, flight management guidance computer, flight control systems, electronic
centralized aircraft monitoring.
4.15 The meeting noted the information in ICAO SL dated 25 March 2021 and discussed the
potential impact of the 5G on Radio Altimeter in the MID Region. Furthermore, the meeting was apprised
of actions taken by Saudi Arabia and UAE to mitigate the potential impact of 5G on the Radio Altimeter.
4.16 The meeting agreed on a need to collect and share information on the best practices
implemented by States and Regional Organizations to mitigate 5G potential interference that may impact
the radio altimeters and develop MID guidance material. Accordingly, the meeting agreed to amend the
ToRs of Frequency Management Ad-hoc working group with 2 new actions as at Appendix A.
Accordingly, the meeting agreed to the following Draft Decision:
That, the Terms of Reference of the Frequency Management WG be updated as at
Appendix A
4.17 The meeting agreed to establish Action Group to develop Guidance Materials to protect
the aircraft operations from 5G potential interference associated with the deployment of ground
infrastructure to enable cellular broadband/5G services in radio frequency bands near the bands used by
radio altimeters (RADALT). Accordingly, the meeting agreed to the following Draft Decision:
That, the Protecting RADALT Guidance Ad-hoc Action Group be:
a) established to develop guidance material to protect the aircraft operations from potential
Radio Altimeter interference associated with the deployment of cellular broadband/5G
ground infrastructure near the bands used by RADALT; and
b) Composed of:
Mr. Ridha Dridi, (Saudi Arabia, Rapporteur);
Khaled Alhazmi (Saudi Arabia);
Fares A. Alzahrani (Saudi Arabia);
Abdullaziz Hussain (Saudi Arabia);
Mohammed Kamal (Egypt);
Nevin Askar (Jordan);
Talal Al Jasmi (UAE); and
Frequency Management Working Group
The FMWG will undertake the following tasks in the work required to manage the MID Region
frequency assignments in order to ensure sufficient access to the resource for the provision of
aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance services (CNS) in an efficient and safe
a) develop MID Region frequency assignment plan including long term spectrum usage of
radio systems;
b) validate the ICAO Global database and keep it up to date;
c) resolve current frequency assignments conflict in the ICAO Global database;
d) develop recommendation or proposal for improvement to the existing regional VHF
frequency assignment process based on the ICAO Global Spectrum Management tool,
ICAO 9718 Volume II Handbook provision and current coordination issues;
e) propose solutions for the interference incidents occurred in MID Region states in a timely
f) escalate the intentional frequency interference matters and coordinate with other relevant
international organizations, as and when required;
g) provide guidance/support to States to protect the GNSS signals;
h) collaborate with ITU and other relevant international organization to address frequent
interference incidents;
i) support for ICAO Position at World Radio Communication Conference (WRC) and ensure
MID States’ support ICAO at ITU meetings;
j) collaborate with Regional Groups; Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) African
Telecommunication Union (ATU), and Asia/Pacific Telecommunication Group (APT) to
support ICAO position at WRC;
k) ensure the continuous and coherent development of the relevant sections of the MID eANP,
taking into account the evolving operational requirements in the MID Region and the need
for harmonization with the adjacent regions in compliance with the Global Air Navigation
l) develops recommendations for CNS SG about how to address the future operational needs
and limitations in VHF voice communications, aiming at avoiding introduction of 8.33 kHz
spacing in the MID Region for as long as practicable; and
m) Frequency Management Working Group will be responsible for overall supervision of the
frequency issues in the MID Region and will review/update the FMWG work plan
whenever required.
n) Collect and share information on the best practices implemented by States and Regional
Organizations to mitigate potential radio altimeters (RADALT) interference that caused by
5G operation.
Develop guidance material to protect aircraft operations from potential Radio Altimeter
interference associated with the deployment of 5G ground infrastructure
2. C
a) ICAO MID Regional Office;
b) MIDANPIRG CNS Sub Group Chairpersons;
c) Members appointed by the MIDANPIRG member States; and
d) other representatives, who could contribute to the activity of the Working Group, could
be invited to participate as observers.
Frequency Management WG/2
(Virtual Meeting 7 June 2021 from 08:00 to 10:00 UTC)
State/ Org Contact Title Email
Mr. Yousif Bucheeri
Telecommunication Engineer
Ms. Sara Ebrahim Husain
Telecommunication Engineer
Ms. Jawaher Saad Al Najdi
Electronic Engineer
Mr. Ali Mohammed Sayed
Senior Electronic Engineer
Mr. Waheed Solaiman
Nav. AIDS. Eng.
Mr. Mohamed Adel
Comm. Eng.
Eng. Ahmed Abdelwahab Mohamed ElMarady
Senior Air Navigation Safety Oversight Inspector
Eng. Aya Ashraf Air Navigation Safety Oversight Inspector
Mr. Ali Ashtiani
Aviation Frequency Senior Expert
Mr. Mojtaba Chatrrooz
Aviation Frequency Senior Expert
Mr. Sina Peyman
CNS Expert of Civil Aviation Organization
Mr. Ali Abdul Sahib Nasrullah
VHF Comms. Supervisor/Frequency Management FP
Mr. Thaer Hasan Salim
Chief Engineers Assistant
Mr. Ibrahim Mahmoud Suleiman Faraj
Head of Radar Maintenance Division
Mr.Taghreed Al-assad Head of Communication & Navigation Aids Division\
Taghreed.Al-[email protected]
Mrs.Amena Mohammad Dodin
Director of Technical Support
Mr. Mahmoud Hatem
Head of Communication & Navigation Aids Division\
State/ Org Contact Title Email
Ms. Neveen Mahmoud Jum’ah Askar Head of Communication & Navigation Aids Division\
Mr. Ibrahim Riyad
Mr. Fahad Saleh Albaloushi saleh
Superintendent of Communication Equipment
Mr. Khaled Mohamed Reda Ahmed Eltanany
CNS Safety Inspector
Mr. Saleh Abdullah Al Harthy
Director CNS
Mr. Ali Said Rashid Al Abri
Air Navigations Systems Engineer (Radios)
Mr.Sadiq Al Lawati
Air Navigations Systems Engineer (Navaids)
Mr.Majed Al Siyabi
Navigational System Engineer (Navaids)
Ms. Vilina Eka Lestari
CNS Safety Inspector
Mr. Ibrahim Kozanli
Senior Electronics Engineer
Mrs. Hanan Alhaddad
Electronics Engineer
Mr. Mirko Vidovic
CNS Inspector
Mr. Nayif Al Jaber
CNS Inspector
Mr. Saleh Almansoori
CNS Inspector
Mr. Mansoor Alam
Electronics Engineer
Mrs. Wadha ali h al-malki
State/ Org Contact Title Email
Saudi Arabia
Mr. Faris abdul Wahab Alzahrani
Air Navigation Safety Inspection
Mr. Ridha DRIDI
Technical and Safety Advisor
Mr. Khalid Alhazmi
Senior Communication Engineer
Mr. Emad Jadallah
Mr. Abdulaziz Bin Hussain
Communications Engineer
Mr. Adullah M. Albathi
GM, Airspace Standards
Mrs. Jacob Avis
Inspector Air Navigation CNS
Mr. Ahmed Al Obeidli
Manager Air Navigation
Mr. Majed ahmed Sultan Al Ali
Assistant Engineer Spectrum Allocation
Eng. Saleh Ahed Al Messabi
Director Spectrum Services
Mr. Mohamed Abdulla AlMarzouqi
Assistant Engineer Spectrum Allocation
Mr. Mohammed Alhassani
Senior Engineer Governmental Services
Mr. Yousif Al Awadhi
Acting Director CNS
Mr. James Smith
ANS Specialist
Mr. Abdulrahman Ahmed Al Maeeni
Engineer Terrestrial Services
Mr. Younis Al-Khader
Director General Of Air Navigation
Mr. Mahmood A Razak
Consultant Of Director General Of Air Navigation
Mr. Ahmed Badr Ahmed Al-Kasadi
Mr. Abdulsalam Thabit
State/ Org Contact Title Email
Eng. Ali A.Hameed Saleh
Telecommunications Engineer
alisaleh11[email protected]m
Mrs. Muna Alnadaf
Regional Officer, Communication, Navigation and
Surveillance (CNS)
Mrs. Hoda Gabriel
Technical Assistant (TA) [email protected]