5 - 10kg
10 - 15kg 15kg +
Full Groom
Bath & Tidy
Breed Style
$65 +
$70 + $75 +
$110 +
Dog Grooming Price Guide
The Dog Dazzlers
Type of Groom
How Often Should My Pet Be Groomed?
Fluffy Groom
4 - 6 Weeks
Short (Not Shaved)
7 - 9 Weeks
10 weeks +
*To long of an interval between grooming increases probability of matting which adds risk of injury and discomfort for your pet
Bath & Tidy Full Groom Fluffy Groom Breed Clip Groom Out
Bath, Blow - Dry, Nail
Clip, Ear Clean,
Brush, Face, Feet &
Sanitary Trim
Bath, Blow-Dry, Nail
Clip, Ear Clean,
Brush & Clip to
Specific Breed Style
Bath, Blow-Dry, Nail Clip,
Ear Clean, Brush, Full Body
& Face Clip to the owners
(7F - 3F)
Bath, Blow-Dry, Nail Clip,
Ear Clean, Brush, Full Body
& Face Clip to the owners
(4 Comb - 8 Comb)
Bath, Blow-Dry,
Brush Out, Trim
Paws & Pads
Fluffy Groom
X Small
0 - 5kg
$55 +
7F - 3F
4 - 8 Comb
Bath & Nails*
- Cavalier
- Maltese
- Shih Tzu
- Havanese
- Toy Poodle
- Schnauzer
- Westie
- Bichon
- Cavoodle
- Spoodle
- Schnoodle
Small Breeds
Additional Costs
Puppy Groom
We recommend starting your puppy's grooming
journey at 16 weeks of age and/or once they are
fully vaccinated.
Our Puppy Groom Service is your pets first groom
and includes a Bath, Blow-dry, Brush, Nail Trim
and a tidy around the face, feet and intricate
Our Puppy Groom Service is for dogs younger
than 6 months old.
All Puppy Grooms are $10 off our Regular
*Bathing Prices are for Short Hair
Dogs (7F - 3F) if your dog is any
longer they will be charged at a higher
price due to them taking longer to dry
& bath
Dog Grooming Price Guide
The Dog Dazzlers
4 - 8 Comb
Fluffy Groom
7F - 4Comb
Full Groom
- Groodle
- Labradoodle
- Borderdoodle
- Cobberdog
- Standard & Mini
0 - 5kg 5 - 10kg 10 - 15kg
Bath & Tidy
Breed Style
$80 $90 $100
$95 $105 $115
$115 +
$115 $125
$130 + $135 +
X-Large XXL Giant
15 - 20kg 20 - 30kg 30kg +
$110 $130 + $150 +
$145 +
$165 +
$185 +
$185 +
$195 +
$225 +
Medium / Large Breeds
Bath & Nails*
Please be aware an additional
cost of $20 per 20 minutes will
be required for extra brushing,
clearing a heavily knotted coat
when possible or clipping of
severely matted coat.
Conditon of Coat
$55+ $65+ $70+
$75+ $85+ $95+
- Lagotto
- Portugese
Water Dog
- Irish Setter
- Wheaton
- Tamaruke
- Cocker Spaniel
Extra Services
Anal Glands - Only done when necessary or at the owners request
Ear Plucking - Only done when necessary or at the owners request
Flea Rinse - If your dog is found to have fleas we will automatically give your pet a flea rinse
Medicated Shampoo (Malaseb / Aloveen) - At the owners request for dogs with skin allergies
Nail Clip - Walk in on request
Hygiene Clip - Clean up around intricate areas
Face Tidy - Clean up around the face
Feet Tidy - Tidy Hair around paws and shave underneath pads
$5 - $15
S $10 M $15 L $20
Extra Handling
Dogs that require muzzling or extra
staff to help manage them will be
charged at a higher standard
grooming rate. This is because
dogs showing aggression or acute
nervousness take much longer to
Price Changes
Please note this is only a price
guide and your pets groom will
ultimately be priced on the
weight, height, condition and
length of coat, and your dogs
S $25 M $35 L $45
S $10 M $15 L $20
If your dog is over 30kg please contact us to discuss their price
Dog Grooming Price Guide
The Dog Dazzlers
Double Coated Breeds
24-hour Cancellation Policy
If your pets groom is cancelled less than 48-
hours before the appointment time, you will
incur a cancellation fee of 50% of the cost of
the groom.
No Show Fee
If you do not show up for your pets scheduled
appointment or fail to contact us to cancel your
appointment you will be charged the full price
of your pets missed appointment.
Grooming Policy
We rely on clients arriving on time to keep the day running
smoothly. If you are running more than 15 minutes late
please contact us as your appointment will need to be re-
scheduled and a cancellation fee may apply.
Arriving on Time
All pets must be collected within 30 minutes of
being notified that your pets groom has been
completed or we may have to add an additional
daycare charge
Japanese Spitz
Siberian Husky
Alaskan Husky
Golden Retriever
Nova Scotia
Aussie Shepherd
Border Collie
Rough Collie
Swiss Shepherd
Finnish Lapphund
Chow Chow
German Shepherd
Groom Out
Saint Bernard
Bernese M D
M $130
L $160
M $160
L $190
M $140
L $170
M $170
L $200
M $160
L $190
M $190
L $220
M $200
L $250
M $240
L $300
M $190
L $230
M $230
L $270
$120 $150
Whats Included?
Groom Out - Bath, Blow-Dry, Brush Out, Tidy
Paws & Shave Pads
Trim Feathering - Groom Out, Trim around Bum,
Legs, and any other feathering you would like
Whats Not Included?
Belly Strip
Extra Brushing
$20 per every extra $20
Matting Fee
$20 - $50
Full Clip / Shave
If you would like a quote for a full groom on your
double coated dog please contact us to discuss.
Please note this is only a price guide and your
pets groom will ultimately be priced on the
weight, height, condition and length of coat, and
your dogs behaviour.
Price Changes
Doggy Daycare
The Dog Dazzlers
"Where tails are wagging and dogs are bragging"
Doggy Daycare Prices
Enrichment Package
Casual Day Rate
Casual Half Day Rate
1 Dog - $60
2 Dogs - $110
1 Dog - $40
2 Dogs - $70
(over 6 months) (under 6 months)
*Assessments go for a minimum of 5 hours
VIP Service
$15 per session
Our enrichment package includes a one on one
session with one of our experienced daycare
staff. During this session your dog will be
involved in a range of enrichment activities such
as using snuffle mats, treat puzzles, ball pit
activities and more.
Buy 10 Enrichment Passes for 10% Off!
$30 per session
Our VIP Service includes everything that is
involved in our Enrichment package, as well as
a doggy massage, brush, and extra TLC time
with one of our caring daycare staff. Your dog
will also have some time in our photo booth and
will be featured on our Instagram!
By 10 VIP Passes for 10% Off!
Value Packages
5 Day Pass
10 Day Pass
20 Day Pass
*Once purchased our value packages are
not transferrable to other services at The
Dog Dazzlers
*Walk ins will incur a $10 fee
Drop Off & Pickup
All dogs must be dropped off by 11am and
need to be picked up by 6:30pm. A fee of $25
for every 15 minutes will be incurred if late
No Show Fee
No Shows for Daycare will still need to pay for
the day if they don't show up
Daycare Policy
Behavioural Assessment
All dogs must pass a behavioural assessment in
order to attend our daycare. Our requirements for
the behavioural assessment are;
Dogs must be desexed by 8 months
Dogs must be at least 3 months
and have their full C5 Vaccination
Dogs must have up to date parasite
Dogs must stay for at least 5
hours so they can be assessed
(5 Hours +)
(Up to 5 Hours)